Friday, February 6, 2009

It's Over -- Part II

I've been through layoffs before. I was laid off in 2003 during the dot com bust.

Today I discovered that most of my former co-workers at Intracorp were laid off -- all at once. It was a sad day -- not because it was so surprising or unexpected, but because it means that the dream is over. Now, I realize that the dream has been over in other parts of the country now for months -- even years, but we somehow managed to dodge that bullet until now. Now -- this thing is very real to me.

True -- everyone will be fine. People are not destitute nor do they have life-threatening illnesses, but the magnitude of this thing is LARGE -- and I think we've only seen the tip of the iceburg --- THAT'S what really scares me.

Put on your life jackets, gang, it's going to be a rough ride...

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