Friday, February 6, 2009

It's Over -- Part II

I've been through layoffs before. I was laid off in 2003 during the dot com bust.

Today I discovered that most of my former co-workers at Intracorp were laid off -- all at once. It was a sad day -- not because it was so surprising or unexpected, but because it means that the dream is over. Now, I realize that the dream has been over in other parts of the country now for months -- even years, but we somehow managed to dodge that bullet until now. Now -- this thing is very real to me.

True -- everyone will be fine. People are not destitute nor do they have life-threatening illnesses, but the magnitude of this thing is LARGE -- and I think we've only seen the tip of the iceburg --- THAT'S what really scares me.

Put on your life jackets, gang, it's going to be a rough ride...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pancake Frisbee

Whenever I make pancakes, I take all of the leftover batter and pour one giant pancake for Sugar. My mom used to do this when we were growing up for our dog, Muffin. The super-pancake was often bigger than his little Pekingese/Poodle-mix head.

This morning was no different. Rich peeled the supercake off the griddle, made Sugar go stand at the other end of the hallway and wait obediently until the thing cooled off, then fired away..... This pic from back in Tampa is the best one I have to properly illustrate the act -- look at the trajectory of that thing!

Happy Saturday.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Has anyone seen an aircraft carrier around here?

Hey - hola - HI. I haven't blogged in a while and I have a damn good reason for it --- we have been working ferociously on the site and have now launched. HOLLER! <>

Working on the site has been somewhat of a roller coaster (I won't say emotional roller coaster because that would make me sound too emotional), but a roller coaster nonetheless.

The first major issue that we had was that we were getting rejected from several affiliate programs, such as Piperlime, Bluefly and then Zappos. This was scary because that was kinda sorta the whole premise of the silly little money-making bit of the business. Just a minor thing, you know. However, we have overcome that to some extent and it is no longer a threat (I hope).

The second minor catastrophe was that the framework that the site is based on (Cappuccino) was a complete disaster in Internet Explorer -- and that is a HUGE deal because most lame Americans still use IE. Rich and Steve are now working on completely re-writing a new homemade framework based on Javascript called Domino (don't worry I don't really know what that means either).

Anyhoo --- things are going much better. We launched (quietly & slowly) yesterday and are getting a plethora of users. Now if we can just figure out how to pay rent.....
